Don't Worry - Irregular Verbs

Many students are worried about irregular verbs. They learn the grammar rules and then are asked to look up the irregular verb table (which is usually in the appendix) and remember all the different irregular verbs. While some students may find this beneficial and others will remember some of them, learning in context will vastly improve your chances of remember (and using) irregular verbs.

Here are some tips for practising English irregular verbs.
  •  Some of the most common irregular verbs are also the most common. To be, to go, to have. Can you use these freely? If so this is because you have used them often. This leads to point number two.
  • Whenever you come across an irregular verb write it down and then use it in different tenses. Try and use it in natural conversation the next time you speak English.
  • Repeat the irregular verb (in context) many times. Repetition will help you use the verb more freely in conversation.


    Business English Courses
    Giving presentations
    Expressing opinions
    Arguing and discussing points of view
    Telephone conversations
    Report and letter writing
    Conducting negotiations
    Video conferencing
    Business Language
    Social Language
    Meeting and Negotiations
    Discussions and Presentations
    News Conference

  2. Nice suggestions, this blog is very useful for English learners.

    Learn English

  3. It’s wonderful suggestion to use these verbs. Thanks.
