Phrasal Verbs #1 - Put Up

This is a series of new posts that I will write about phrasal verbs. You will find the meaning of phrasal verbs along with some examples.

Phrasal Verbs #1 - Put Up (Three Meanings) - Put up has three main meanings.

1. To place something on the wall.
  • He put up the picture in the living room - He put it up in the living room.

2. To tolerate something - (We need to add "with" here)
  • I can't put up with the noise at night - I can't put up with it.
  • I won't put up with your behaviour (a mother talking to her child) - I won't put up with it.

3.  To build or erect something
  • We need to put up the tent before it's dark - We need to put it up before it is dark.

What Should I do Now?

Phrasal verbs need practise.
  1. Write them in your English book. 
  2. Create new sentences using the phrasal verb and use different tenses when applying them.
  3. Are there more meanings for put up? What are they?
Please use the comment box below to write your examples and the other meanings.


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