Using Like to Describe People

When somebody talks about a person that we don't know, we lask questions about their personality, their appearance and what interests them. We can ask all three of these questions using the word, "like."

"What is he like?" - Personality (can be used for appearance)

When we want to know about somebody's personality and character we ask, "what is he/she like?" Here is an example:
  • I met somebody at my English course. He's called Matt.
  • What is he like?
  • Well, he's very nice and friendly but a little shy.

"What does she look like?" - Appearance
  • Have you met Michael's new girlfriend?
  • No, what does she look like?
  • She's tall, has dark hair and is very pretty.

"What music do you like?" - Interests and Preferences
  • (at a party)... I love going to concerts and gigs too! What music do you like?
  • I really like folk music, but also like rock and indie.

Notice that with the first two examples we don't use like in the affirmative. This is because 'like' is only a verb in the last example.
Can we use the word 'like' in different ways? Can you think of some examples?

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